Operational margin of safety and minimal requirements
Business Valuation & Pricing
Comparison based valuation methods
Revenue, earnings and profitiability based
Book and networth based
Discounted casflow and dividend models
Enterprise value based methods
Stocks + bonds and money-market instruments
Market Research
Sector spesific developments
Forecasts and potentials
Comparable competitiors
Fragmentatiot, takeovers, M&A
Bottlenecks and market dependence
Consulting & Advisory
General or analysis based operational support
M&A advisory in price setting
Market presentations for expansion or adoption
Investment and divestment recommendability
Market and individual channel development
Buyers and sellers
Investment opportunities
General knowledge sharing
Our alternative partnership-based investment vehicle. Limited only to long-term credible partners. Focused on overlooked companies in public stock market with high probability of outperformance. Long-only strategy.
Customized Worksheets
Customized excel worksheets fulfilling your needs to perform independent analysis and research
Individualized Verbal Education
Using real world examples and history of financial booms and busts.